" Kiborio TAKASE's Painting Show "
- August 11Fri - 16Wed, 2023
- 11am - 6pm(finalday untill 5pm)
- Open during the exhibition period
- A part of whole works shown are available via online shop when exhibition period.
- I'll be there every day, at least by afternoon. On the first day, I'm there from the opening.
- Toukyo / 桃居:
2 Chome-25-13 Nishiazabu, Minato City, Tokyo 106-0031
http://www.toukyo.com/info-e.html - Artist's Comment
The majority of people seem to hold the value that it is good to explore a theme or refine a certain technique, but I hold the opposite view. I think it is better to abandon a technique that has become familiar to me, and I think it is good to paint fresh, as if I painted for the first time yesterday. However, the act to apply paint is something I was unaware of when I first started, and now I have no choice but to become familiar with it, as if it were a technique. Even so, I have not been able to stop to apply paint. I like painting that the paint appears to be paint, not the technique hides the paint and it makes look like nature, nor the technique appear to be a technique, but I like one. And yet, I felt like trying again a way of painting that I had stopped because I had become too accustomed to it. Is this just a matter of not being able to think of new things to try, or is it an exploration of a theme? I don't care which it is, but I have been trying so lately. I haven't had an exhibition for the past a year, and perhaps my thoughts about painting have changed under different circumstances, such as a physical breakdown and beginning martial arts.
I think I have always enjoyed applying until I was satisfied. Sometimes I have to apply a lot to feel satisfied, and other times I only apply for about three seconds to feel satisfied, which is strange and interesting. I wonder what is happening on the paper or canvas. If that is the phenomenon of called Painting, I would like to stand verticaly on the borderline between Painting and just applying.
- 2023年8月11日(金曜日)〜16日(水曜日)
- 11時〜18時(最終日は17時まで)
- 会期中無休
- 会期中はオンラインで購入できるものもあります
- どの日も、遅くても昼過ぎまでには到着し在廊します。初日は最初から居ます
- 桃居(とうきょ):
http://www.toukyo.com - 作家のコメント